viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Strucking French

Hello cold or hot world xD
Guess what!?
Last time that I was writing a blog it was "Inspirations" (wich is so stupid by now xD and i just unfollowed of writing it...)

So I came again here! As a lot of you know, my native language is Spanish, but I don't know why I'm writing in English here xD Anyways, my goal is to learn at least 6 lenguages, so heading that goal I started learning English in 2009 or so, since then my English have become more fluid... not perfect but people understand me :D One thing that helped  me was writing that 'inspirations' blog and of course all the people that I met at my English school, my classes there, reading and of course, music in English :D

While I was learning English, one of my friends and I decided to learn Italian... Io no parlo Italiano though xD I did receive classes and practicing in the web... but it turned out it was quite boring (aunque me guste) and is not so spoken in my country, Guatemala, so looking for what to do with my life *u.u*  I decided today: 22/08/2014 to start learning FRENCH!

I research a little of information before, and is more spoken in my country than Italian :D
so, the next I know is that I was in front of my computer writing this :D

To learn French will be much more difficult to me because:
- I'll be autodidacta 
- The accent is much more different than any other language

so, this is my first day and i know by know:

and the one that i wrote to my friend:

 Je'taime (So ESENTIALL to learn this word first of anything)

I want to thank this lady: Quero because she offered to help me with french :D hehe thanks :)

and more people on my way, I hope, that will help me :D

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